This film is a spiritual/emotional/bike-packing journey from California around the USA and finishing with their move into a sustainable community called Hummingbird Ranch.
What I did not know is that I would experience a serious life-purpose evaluation and realize the endless opportunities for sustainable happiness!
Here are inspired words from an excited mind that I wrote a few nights ago:
On this trip, I have been truly re-awakened to the possibilities of life. The different amazing people we have met, the truly inspiring moments we have witnessed are indescribable.
It has opened my eyes to new directions, new motivations, and new visions.
I see a creative community. creative in how they live and creative in how they eat.
a place where people longing for creative outlets, starving for true creative satisfaction can gather, where they can learn, create and share together...
The secret to all of humanities problems seems to come through community. The kind of community that can be described by two true souls connecting and offering something to each other. A hug, a laugh, a hand shake, a discussion, a dance, a barter, a song, a talk, a fight. None of these things requires something to be taken or given, it is a mere result of community; not an exchange, but a conscious action with a positive mutually beneficial reaction.
I have been blessed with a true soul and a longing for other true souls. Which means I need to seek out these people. Why? Because I can see now that: disconnected we are inevitably dying, but connected we are forever evolving.
This new mindset has effectively turned problems into challenges, and failures into a sort of open-source education.
I have been swayed to see not how I can create a house with what I have been given, but how to create a world with what I have not yet received.
I am grateful to everyone and everything in my life that has led me to where I am and allowed me the freedom to forever strive towards a more joyous and fulfilling life.
I will never forget this trip. And I hope that it will continue to inspire me to constantly, like the founders of this initially freedom-seeking country so eloquently expressed, live my life in a "pursuit of happiness."
Forget money, forget fame, forget power. Love creates laughter, Love creates compassion, Love creates community.
And community will help us survive any transition.